We gathered at the VFW on 6/21/22 to thank Carolyn Blundell for serving as Club President for 2021-2022!
We gathered last Tuesday, June 21st to celebrate our year with Rotary Club of Burbank president, Carolyn Blundell. The event coordinated by Past President @Barry Gussow brought together our club members as we thanked 2021-2022 Club President Carolyn Blundell for her leadership, passion, and positive energy as she led our club. Thank you for all your dedication to the Club and the community, Carolyn Blundell
About half of the club was in attendance as we awarded her with her Past Presidents pins, and just about everyone got up to say their piece about Carolyn, our tenacious leader throughout the last twelve months. Her son, Kevin and his fiancee, Kinsey were there to celebrate alongside her. The food was tasty and catered by our own member, Nancy Cuifalo, owner of You Deserve a Beverage.
Thank you, Carolyn for all your hard work and selflessness that you've shown over the last year. Congratulations on making it through a very rough, Covid-uncertain year. We appreciate everything you have done and will do for the club.