Past President David Seale attended our 7/19/22 meeting with his son Ron Wollard
From our Facebook page:
Earlier this week our 86’-87’ Past President, Dave Seale joined us and shared a newspaper article from 1973 in which has the entire front page dedicated the our Club’s 50th anniversary. What a wonderful item that we will be able to display at our Centennial Party in February. Dave has been living in Nashville and his attendance this week was a great reminder about how far our Rotary family reaches. Great seeing Dave and several Past Presidents in this photo!
From Stephanie:
The newspaper listed the first fifty presidents of our club, so I updated the website with this information. In addition, I have a scan of the letter from Bob Hope that was sent to Glen Taylor, also donated from Dave Seale.

Barry, Dr. K, Ron Wollard (Dave Seale's son), Stephanie B., Dave Seale, Jonathan (JT), Nat

Dave Seale, Past President 1986-1987