Please register if you are planning to have lunch, or to help at our first meeting of the new Rotary year!
We are using ClubRunner to manage the upcoming meetings. If you need help registering with ClubRunner, please contact Greg Madore.
If you are planning to purchase lunch, please RSVP by registering for the meeting on the club website. If you are a member, please click on the Members on the left, then click on the "Register Me" button on the right. Once you hit that, ClubRunner with automatically fill in your name and contact information. To complete registration, please hit "Confirm" on bottom right. You can also register guests who will be attending.
To volunteer at a meeting, please click on the event in ClubRunner, then click on the left button labeled Volunteers for ____. Or you can see all upcoming volunteer opportunities here.
Buttons to click to volunteer or RSVP for the LUNCHES. If you are not planning to eat lunch, there is no need to RSVP. This is to help us order the proper number of lunches for everyone.
After you hit Members, you should see this screen - click on the Register Me button on right.
To complete your RSVP for lunch, please hit "Confirm" button on right hand side of screen.